
Monthly Review Press has just published a new book about labor.  It is
titled, "Rising from the Ashes: Labor in the Age of ‘Global'
Capitalism."  It is edited by Ellen Meiksins Wood, Peter Meiksins, and
Michael Yates.  It contains a good collection of essays by scholars and
activists from around the world.  It differs from similar books about
labor in that it the essays deal with labor movements worldwide rather
than just in the United States.

Here are the essay titles and authors:

Labor, Class, and State in Global Capitalism by Ellen Meiksins Wood
Talking About Work by Doug Henwood
Same as it Ever Was?: The Structure of the Working Class by Peter
On Gender and Class in U.S. Labor History by Johanna Brenner
American Labor: A Movement Again? By Kim Moody
Organizing the Unorganized: Will Promises become Practices? by Fernando
Gapasin and Michael Yates
Race and Labor Organization in the United States by Michael Goldfield
Class, Community, and Empire: Toward an Anti-Imperialist Strategy for
Labor by Eric Mann
Labor Education in the Maelstrom of Class Struggle by Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Worker Insurgency, Rural Revolt, and the Crisis of the Mexican Regime by
Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui
Globalization on Trial: Crisis and Class Struggle in East Asia by David
Communists and Workers in Ex-Communist Europe by Peter Gowan
European Industrial Relations: Impasse or Model by Gregory Albo and
Chris Roberts
The ICFTU and the Politics of Compromise by Gerard Greenfield
Notes on Labor at the End of the Century: Starting Over? By Sam Gindin

You can order the book from Monthly Review at 1-800-670-9499 or at
bookstores or through  If you want to do a review of it, call
MR and speak to Rene Pendergrass.

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Michael Yates

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