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Date sent:              Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:50:12 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                It is ludicrous to demand a withdrawal of Yugoslav forces as a
        condition of a ceasefire - General Lewis Mackenzie

The Vancouver Sun                                                       April 28, 1999

A Soldier's View

        It is ludicrous to demand a withdrawal of 
        Yugoslav forces as a condition of a ceasefire

        By Lewis Mackenzie

        As a result of my United Nations service in Sarajevo in 1992 I 
have the dubious distinction of brokering more ceasefire agreements 
than any other Canadian. Dubious, because most of them failed! 
        Nevertheless, based on the theory that you learn from your 
mistakes, at around the 15th of 19 ceasefires I was beginning to get it 
        A few basic rules apply to ceasefire arrangements and the 
follow-on activities that should be designed to create real peace. A 
ceasefire merely brings most of the killing to a stop. In 1992 in 
Croatia 200 ceasefire violations a day by the Serbs and Croats was 
described by the UN as "ceasefire holding." A ceasefire does not 
produce peace by itself. 
        First of all, no side in the conflict should be humiliated. Pride 
plays a very important part in convincing one or all sides to accept 
the terms of a ceasefire. 
        Secondly, all sides must feel that their people will be secure if a 
ceasefire is signed. If the agreement does not account for the 
re-establishment of law and order, the conflict will merely move from 
war to anarchy. 
        Thirdly, peacekeepers should come from countries having nothing 
to do with the conflict either politically or militarily. Obviously, this 
rule does not apply to a peace enforcement contingent or an army of 
occupation, both of which would be capable of defending themselves 
and others in the conflict zone. 
        During my recent three weeks in Belgrade I discussed a number 
of ceasefire/peace proposals with various government ministers and 
deputy prime ministers. I found a refreshing openness to ideas on 
how the war might be halted and the rebuilding begun. However, as is 
well documented, if President Slobodan Milosevic does not agree it 
won't happen. 
        I hasten to add, before my critics launch a fresh assault, that I was 
operating as a private citizen offered suggestions to government 
officials where they were solicited. During those three weeks I 
discovered a number of "hot buttons" and some areas of compromise. 
Anyone discussing cease fire proposals on a more formal basis might 
want to consider the following:
        A withdrawal of Yugoslav forces — military, police, and 
paramilitary — before a ceasefire is, quite frankly, a ludicrous 
demand by NATO. I can't believe the alliance is serious. No leader 
would ever concentrate his forces in Kosovo for the drive north to 
Serbia with NATO aircraft overhead still seeking targets. The 
ceasefire must come first. 
        The disarming of the Kosovo Liberation Army will not happen. 
Their own spokesman, based in the U.K., has stated that their aim is 
to unite the Albanians of Macedonia and Albania proper with the 
Kosovo Albanians, thereby creating a Greater Albania. He also 
indicated they would never agree to disarm, considering what been 
done to them by Yugoslav security forces. I believe him. 
        The Rambouillet agreement is dead and anyone who thinks 
otherwise has only been listening to NATO as opposed to the parties 
to the conflict, the Kosovo Albanians and the Yugoslav leadership. 
Their opinions should count for something.
        The presence of a follow-on international "peacekeeping'' force in 
Kosovo to maintain security for returning refugees is a major problem 
for Milosevic; however, it is not an impossible problem. The first step 
is not to call it a "force". The word generates problems all by itself. I 
used the terms "peacekeeping mission" and "peacekeeping corps" — 
anything but "force". 
        The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 
monitors, pulled out just before the bombing started, did marvellous 
work. Their numbers were approximately 50 per cent of what was 
requested in the October 1998 Agreement. I would personally triple 
their size. The Yugoslav officials I met with saw no problem with 
        I do not agree that nations participating in the air offensive should 
provide peacekeepers, for all of the obvious reasons. However, with 
the UN's inability to put mission into Kosovo on short notice, NATO 
troops wearing UN insignia  and authorized by a Security Council 
resolution for a limited deployment of three months might be the 
        During that time nations outside the conflict, such as Ukraine, 
India, Brazil, Argentina, China, etc., could deploy their troops to the 
area, ready to take over when the NATO troops withdrew. 
        There were lots of pained expressions in Belgrade when I 
proposed such an idea; however. it was not rejected out of hand. 
        Needless to say, the Albanians will insist on some trustworthy 
police/security force in Kosovo, as will the Serbs. This problem could 
be managed by deploying a large UNCIVPOL (UN civilian police) 
contingent with a mandate to monitor the local police with a view to 
ensuring ethnic balance and professional standards. This has worked 
well in Bosnia and Haiti and police officers from Canada played a key 
role in making the programs work.
        Brokering peace is like buying a rug in a bazaar in Tangiers. The 
shopkeeper wants $500, you offer $90. Ultimately you both settle for 
$210 and agree that he is losing money on the deal and his family is 
starving due to his generosity. The point is that both sides get 
        At present, regarding a ceasefire in Kosovo, the rug dealer is 
insisting on $480 and we have gone to $150. 
        We re still far apart. But we are getting there.

Retired major general Lewis MacKenzie commanded UN troops 
during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian civil war in 1992.

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