from Scott Shuger's column in SLATE, May 28, 1999, copyright Microsoft:

>A front-page LAT [LA TIMES] story reports that of the 26 new comedies and
dramas in the fall line-ups of the four largest broadcast networks--CBS,
NBC, ABC, and Fox--not one features a minority in a leading role. And there
are, says the paper, few blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans, or Native
Americans in supporting roles. Fox,
which rose to prominence with shows targeted for and featuring blacks, may
have only one regular black character on its entire fall schedule. An
advertising executive is quoted saying that "the networks seem to be
oblivious to demographic changes." ...

>At last some good news about nuclear weapons proliferation. According to
an inside story at the NYT, U.S. inspectors visiting North Korea have
discovered that the hole in the ground they have long suspected of being a
site for a secret nuclear program is in fact...a hole in the ground. <

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. Ground troops make things worse. US/NATO out
of Serbia!

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