At 01:45 PM 5/28/99 -0400, you wrote:
>                 But we are not fighting a war, according to Bill
>                 Clinton, we are just "degrading" Slobbo's war
>                 machine. OK. 
>                 Then why in good God's name are we making
>                 Purple Hearts if we are not in a war and we don't
>                 expect casualties? 

Maybe it's partly because of the lowering of standards in the handing out
of medals. At the time that the Reagan Administration beat back the massive
Grenadan Threat by invading and degrading that island, there were
complaints about "too many" medals being passed out (especially to
officers) despite the low level of the combat. Also, the giving of Purple
Hearts to the three soldiers who were captured by Serbian troops near the
border of Macedonian at the beginning of the current Holy Human Rights
Crusade has been criticized because not one of them was wounded. It seems a
symptom of the decadence of the US armed forces (which may or may not be a
good thing).

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. Ground troops make things worse. US/NATO out
of Serbia!

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