Doug Henwood:
>There's a very interesting article by J. Donald Hughes on the Mayan
>collapse in the March 1999 issue of Capitalism Nature Socialism. (For a
>journal edited by a "confused old man," CNS is pretty damn sharp.) Well
>before the arrival of the Europeans, the Mayans were living in cities and
>massively altering the landscape  with irrigation, quarrying, and the
>manufacture of ceramics. 

J. Donald Hughes is the author of "Pan's Travails: Environmental Problems
of the Ancient Greeks and Romans." He argues that past civilizations may
have had a pantheistic love of  nature, but polluted and exploited the
environment much like modern societies do. He discovered that the
city-building Greeks and Romans cut down surrounding forests and fouled the
air by smelting lead. Hunter-gatherer groups did not deplete their
resources because the land had to sustain them from year to year. But
migrating societies often overhunted and let their herds overgraze.

None of this is particularly new, nor unique. Simon Schama, the right-wing
professor here at Columbia University wrote a book titled "Landscape and
Memory" that makes many of the same points, while also making some that
Cronon has made.

What Hughes, Schama and Cronon all lack is an understanding of the
particular nature of the capitalist system, whose logic dictates a
completely different set of environmental consequences. As Marxist such as
Paul Burkett and John Bellamy Foster--and Marx himself--have taken great
pains to point out, commodity production requires a totally different
relationship to nature.

By effacing the all-important question of M-C-M, Hughes and company create
universals out of "mankind", "nature" and "progress" that effectively
militate against socialist politics. Perhaps CNS provides a space for
Hughes to publish his sort of scholarship for the very reason that it
rejects mine.
As far as O'Connor's confusion is concerned, I want to retract what I said.
He appears very clear about his goals.

Louis Proyect


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