Thanks to Robert Naiman for posting these. "Jubilee" is a fascinating and
venerable concept, at least as worthy of analysis as capitalism or
socialism. Essentially, what it refers to (going back to Leviticus 25) is
the SYSTEMATIC and PERIODIC cancellation of debts and freeing of debt-slaves.

A socialist revolution without a cancellation would be no revolution at all,
but a continuation of business as usual (servicing the debt) by other means. 

Robert Naiman wrote:

>* Sponsored by Jubilee 2000/USA.
>Help make a CHAIN-GE for impoverished countries burdened by unpayable debt!
>Join the Human Chain on June 18th, at the Treasury Building in Washington DC.
>Washington, DC, Friday, June 18, 12-1pm.  "Break the Chains of Debt!"
>Human Chain Around the US Treasury.  Sponsored by Jubilee 2000/USA.
>Prayers, speeches and more.  Corner of 15th St., NW and Pennsylvania Ave,
>NW (metro center is closest subway stop).  For info call 202-783-3566 or
>email: < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>What's this about...?  ==>  Impoverished countries (40-50 of them, in
>Africa, Latin America and Asia) are burdened by unpayable debt -- owed to
>wealthy creditor governments, banks and agencies around the world.   They
>are sacrificing their futures to pay off their debts.  Workers, women, and
>the environment are all hurt.  Our global movement is saying, this madness
>must stop!  We're saying there's a fair, open way to cancel debts --
>through a process benefits people and empowers civil society.  Help us
>insist that the US government take a strong stand for meaningful debt
>relief at the G8 Summit (June 17-19 in Cologne, Germany).  ***Proclaim
>Wasn't there a human chain last year?  ==>  Last year the G-8 failed to
>back significant debt relief for poor countries, despite the presence of
>70,000 Jubilee 2000 supporters at their summit meeting in Birmingham, UK.
>This year, seven G-8 members -- including the US Government -- are bringing
>competing debt relief proposals to the June G7 summit in Cologne, Germany.
>Tens of thousands of Jubilee 2000 supporters (including US activists) will
>be there to greet them once again, and insist that any G-8 agreement on
>debt relief offer significant, not cosmetic, debt relief to impoverished,
>indebted nations.  There will be human chains in the US in Kentucky...and
>in Washington, DC!  Together we will make a difference. For more info
>Jubilee 2000/USA Campaign
>222 East Capitol St., NE
>Washington, DC 20003-1036
>Tel: 202-783-3566
>Fax:  202-546-4468
>web site:
>Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Preamble Center
>1737 21st NW
>Washington, DC 20009
>phone: 202-265-3263
>fax:   202-265-3647


Tom Walker

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