[These are some comments from him that I received a while back that I doubt
he'd mind being made public]

Dear Mr. Proyect,

Thanks for you message and generous words about my book.  The book
Cockburn apparently was citing is my *An Unsettled Country: Changing
Landscapes of the American West*, published by the University of New
Mexico Press in 1994.  See especially the essay, "Other Nations, Other

I have not written a critique of Bill Cronon's *Nature's Metroplis* and if
I did, would have to say there is a lot in it that I admire and find
useful.  He does not strike me as dogmatic Marxist.  If anything, I think
his position is closer to the "green capitalist" position than Marx.  He
does present the sweep of capitalism as inexorable and permanent, and he
does not suggest strongly enough (except in the Great Lakes forest
chapter) the ecological problems that followed capitalistic agriculture.
But he does criticize the capitalists for their dehumanizing or
exploitative treatment of Chicago workers, etc.

Well, I would be interested in hearing more of your critique of the book.
Perhaps I have missed a few things.

Don Worster


Well, now if you are talking about Cronon's controversial stance on
wilderness, I have written something relevant--not very substantial but
still relevant.  See my essay "The Wilderness of History" in *Wild Earth*,
vol. 7, no. 3, Fall 1997.

Bill and I may disagree over whether "humanism" is an adequate moral basis
for environmental ethics.  We've not had that discussion, but I suspect it
is a divergence.  

And it probably makes me divergent from the CNS group, Jim O'Connor

But in a country where everything comes to a halt over whether one
particular politician screwed a 21 year old woman, after repeated
rubbings (a temptation most of the Senate would fail to resist), I don't
suppose it matters a whole lot whether "humanism" or "ecocentrism" is
where we aim in our relations with the earth.  

These days, so long as somebody is at least taking notice of the natural
world and its condition, I am their ally and friend.

Don Worster

Louis Proyect

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