Gore: Church Should Get Gov't Funds 

 By Sandra Sobieraj
 Associated Press Writer

 ATLANTA (AP) -- Treading on traditional Republican territory,
 Vice President Al Gore said Monday that churches and other
 faith-based organizations -- where ``the client is not a number,
 but a child of God'' -- should receive government funds to help
 cure social ills. 

 His proposal for ``a new partnership'' between church and state,
 outlined in a presidential campaign speech at a downtown
 Salvation Army, centered around the notion that ``politics and
 morality are deeply interrelated.'' 

 Lest there be any doubt, the Democratic presidential candidate
 said three times that he believes in the separation of church and
 state. And his language suggested a skittishness at opening a
 war with civil libertarians. 

 Even as he said Americans must ``dare to embrace'' religious
 programs, he stipulated that closer church-state relations should
 be ``carefully tailored partnerships.'' 

 On a campaign swing here and in Orlando, Fla, Gore picked up
 $600,000 in donations. 

 He also met privately with five of the six students injured in last
 week's school shooting in Conyers, Ga., as well as family
 members of the shooting victims. 

 Places like The Salvation Army, Christ House, and Christian
 Women's Job Corps have some of the most effective programs
 dealing with addiction, mental illness and domestic violence,
 Gore said. 

 ``To the workers in these organizations, that client is not a
 number but a child of God,'' he said. 

 ``We should explore carefully tailored partnerships with our faith
 community, so we can use the approaches that are working

 His plan would essentially expand conservative Republican Sen.
 John Ashcroft's ``charitable choice'' provision of the 1996 welfare
 overhaul that allowed faith-based groups to operate
 welfare-to-work programs with government money. 

 Gore was short on specifics -- communications director Laura
 Quinn called it a ``broad idea'' at this point -- but he insisted no
 government-funded program would ``promote a religious view or
 try to force anyone to receive religion'' and secular alternatives
 would be available. 

 But Terri Schroeder, a First Amendment legal analyst at The
 American Civil Liberties Union, said Gore's plan raised troubling

 ``How can a religious institution counsel without proselytizing?
 How can you provide juvenile services without some level of
 coercion? How can we have any accountability for how our
 money is spent given the traditional separation of church and
 state,'' Schroeder asked. 

 For Gore, the political benefit of religious talk is twofold: It sneaks
 some ground out from under Republicans who have long
 dominated the morals debate; and, less overtly, may serve to
 disassociate him from President Clinton's personal scandals. 

 ``It's taken too long for candidate Gore to join Republicans in
 recognizing the rightful role of churches and religious
 organizations in solving society's most challenging and pressing
 problems,'' Jim Nicholson, chairman of the Republican National
 Committee said. At the same time, he welcomed Gore's
 ``change of heart.'' 

 A senior policy adviser to Gore, Elaine Kamarck, told The
 Boston Globe over the weekend, ``The Democratic Party is
 going to take back God this time.'' 

 Aboard Air Force Two on Monday, vice presidential spokesman
 Chris Lehane shook his head at Kamarck's candor. He refused
 to speak to the politics of Gore's new emphasis on spirituality
 and rejected the notion that Republicans have cornered the
 market on religious voters. 

 ``I don't think God is partisan,'' Lehane said. 

 Beyond current-day political expedience, Gore can lay claim to a
 religious and spiritual grounding. As a young man returning from
 Vietnam, he studied at Vanderbilt's divinity school. And in his
 1991 book, ``Earth in the Balance,'' Gore wrote of his ``deeply
 personal'' relationship with Christ. 

 Still, said Lehane, the vice president has never been someone to
 ``wear God on his sleeve'' and doesn't plan to now that he's
 running for president. 

 On other questions of church and state, the vice president
 opposes organized prayer in public schools during the school
 day, and he opposes using public dollars to send children to
 parochial schools, Lehane said. 

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