IN THIS MESSAGE:   Brecher Resigns From Sander's Staff Over War; Peace Plan

May 4, 1999

Congressman Bernie Sanders
2202 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC, 20515

Dear Bernie,

This letter explains the matters of conscience that have led me to resign 
from your staff.

I believe that every individual must have some limit to what acts of 
military violence they are willing to participate in or support, 
regardless of either personal welfare or claims that it will lead to a 
greater good. Any individual who does not possess such a limit is 
vulnerable to committing or condoning abhorrent acts without even
stopping to think about it.

Those who accept the necessity for such a limit do not necessarily agree 
regarding where it should be drawn. For absolute pacifists, war can never 
be justified. But even for non-pacifists, the criteria for supporting the 
use of military violence must be extremely stringent because the 
consequences are so great. Common sense dictates at least the following 
as minimal criteria:

The evil to be remedied must be serious.

The genuine purpose of the action must be to avert the evil, not to 
achieve some other purpose for which the evil serves as a pretext.

Less violent alternatives must be unavailable.

The violence used must have a high probability of in fact halting the 

The violence used must be minimized.

Let us evaluate current U.S. military action in Yugoslavia against each 
of these tests. Evil to be remedied:

We can agree that the evil to be remedied in this case -- specifically, 
the uprooting and massacre of the Kosovo Albanians -- is serious enough 
to justify military violence if such violence can ever be justified. 
However, the U.S. air war against Yugoslavia fails an ethical test on 
each of the other four criteria.

Purpose vs. pretext: The facts are incompatible with the hypothesis that 
U.S. policy is motivated by humanitarian concern for the people of Kosovo:

In the Dayton agreement, the U.S. gave Milosevic a free hand in Kosovo in 
exchange for a settlement in Bosnia.

The U.S. has consistently opposed sending ground forces into Kosovo, even 
as the destruction of the Kosovar people escalated. (While I do not 
personally support such an action, it would, in sharp contrast to current 
U.S. policy, provide at least some likelihood of halting the attacks on 
the Kosovo Albanians.)

According to The New York Times (4/18/99), the U.S. began bombing 
Yugoslavia with no consideration for the possible impact on the Albanian 
people of Kosovo. This was not for want of warning. On March 5, 1999, 
Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema met with President Clinton in the 
Oval Office and warned him that an air attack which failed to subdue 
Milosevic would result in 300,000 to 400,000 refugees passing into 
Albania and then to Italy. Nonetheless, "No one planned for the tactic of 
population expulsion that has been the currency of Balkan wars for more 
than a century." (The New York Times, 4/18/99). If the goal of U.S. 
policy was humanitarian, surely planning for the welfare of these 
refugees would have been at least a modest concern.

Even now the attention paid to humanitarian aid to the Kosovo refugees is 
totally inadequate, and is trivial compared to the billions being spent 
to bomb Yugoslavia. According to the Washington Post (4/30/99), the 
spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency in Macedonia says, "We are on the 
brink of catastrophe." Surely a genuine humanitarian concern for the 
Kosovars would be evidenced in massive emergency airlifts and a few 
billion dollars right now devoted to aiding the refugees.

While it has refused to send ground forces into Kosovo, the U.S. has also 
opposed and continues to oppose all alternatives that would provide 
immediate protection for the people of Kosovo by putting non- or 
partially-NATO forces into Kosovo. Such proposals have been made by 
Russia, by Milosevic himself, and by the delegations of the U.S. Congress 
and the Russian Duma who met recently with yourself as a participant. The 
refusal of the U.S. to endorse such proposals strongly supports the 
hypothesis that the goal of U.S. policy is not to save the Kosovars from 
ongoing destruction.

Less violent alternatives: On 4/27/99 I presented you with a memo laying 
out an alternative approach to current Administration policy. It stated, 
"The overriding objective of U.S. policy in Kosovo -- and of people of 
good will -- must be to halt the destruction of the Albanian people of 
Kosovo. . . The immediate goal of U.S. policy
should be a ceasefire which halts Serb attacks on Kosovo Albanians in 
exchange for a halt in NATO bombing." It stated that to achieve this 
objective, the United States should "propose an immediate ceasefire, to 
continue as long as Serb attacks on Kosovo Albanians cease. . . Initiate 
an immediate bombing pause. . . Convene the U.N. Security Council to 
propose action under U.N. auspices to extend and maintain the ceasefire. 
.. . Assemble a peacekeeping force under U.N. authority to protect safe 
havens for those threatened with ethnic cleansing." On
5/3/99 you endorsed a very similar peace plan proposed by delegations 
from the US Congress and the Russian Duma. You stated that "The goal now 
is to move as quickly as possible toward a ceasefire and toward 
negotiations." In short, there is a less violent alternative to the 
present U.S. air war against Yugoslavia.

High probability of halting the evil: Current U.S. policy has virtually 
no probability of halting the displacement and killing of the Kosovo 
Albanians. As William Safire put it, "The war to make Kosovo safe for 
Kosovars is a war without an entrance strategy. By its unwillingness to 
enter Serbian territory to stop the killing at the start, NATO conceded 
defeat. The bombing is simply intended to coerce the Serbian leader to 
give up at the negotiating table all he has won on the killing field. He 
won't." (The New York Times, 5/3/99) The massive bombing of Yugoslavia is 
not a means of protecting the Kosovars but an alternative to doing so.

Minimizing the consequences of violence. "Collateral damage" is 
inevitable in bombing attacks on military targets. It must be weighed in 
any moral evaluation of bombing. But in this case we are seeing not just 
collateral damage but the deliberate selection of civilian targets, 
including residential neighborhoods, auto factories, broadcasting 
stations, and hydro-electric power plants. The New York
Times characterized the latter as "The attack on what clearly appeared to 
be a civilian target." (5/3/99) If these are acceptable targets, are 
there any targets that are unacceptable?

The House Resolution (S Con Res 21) of 4/29/99 which "authorizes the 
president of the United States to conduct military air operations and 
missile strikes in cooperation with the United States' NATO allies 
against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" supports not only the current 
air war but also its unlimited escalation. It thereby authorizes the 
commission of war crimes, even of genocide. Indeed, the
very day after that vote, the Pentagon announced that it would begin 
"area bombing," which the Washington Post (4/30/99) characterized as 
"dropping unguided weapons from B-52 bombers in an imprecise technique 
that resulted in large-scale civilian casualties in World War II and the 
Vietnam War."

It was your vote in support of this resolution that precipitated my 
decision that my conscience required me to resign from your staff. I have 
tried to ask myself questions that I believe each of us must ask 

Is there a moral limit to the military violence you are willing to 
participate in or support? Where does that limit lie? And when that limit 
has been reached, what action will you take?

My answers led to my resignation.

Sincerely yours,

Jeremy Brecher

Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 18:30:38 -0700 
From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
F R A U D 
Mime-Version: 1.0 

P r e s s I n f o # 6 7

G 8 K O S O V O P R I N C I P L E S -

May 7, 1999

"The G8 foreign ministers' declaration of principles to resolve the Kosovo 
"crisis" is a mishmash of face-saving elements for the West and addresses 
none of the root causes of the conflict or the failure of the West as a 
mediator," says TFF director Jan Oberg. "This declaration may be used to 
justify continued bombing and, if implemented, promises a very sad future 
for the Balkans. But 'conflict illiteracy' abounds, so leading media call 
it a peace plan - repeating their treatment of Rambouillet." Here follows 
the full G8 text of principles as published by BBC on May 6.
- - - - -
"The following general principles must be adopted and implemented to 
resolve the Kosovo crisis:
* Immediate and verifiable end of violence and repression in Kosovo.
* Withdrawal from Kosovo of military, police and paramilitary forces.
* Deployment in Kosovo of effective international civil and security 
presences, endorsed and adopted by the United Nations, capable of 
guaranteeing the achievement of the common objectives.
* The establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo, to be decided 
by the Security Council of the United Nations to ensure conditions for a 
peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants for Kosovo.
* The safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons and 
unimpeded access to Kosovo by humanitarian aid organisations.
* A political process towards the establishment of an interim political 
framework. An agreement providing for substantial self-government for 
Kosovo, taking full account of the Rambouillet accords and the principles 
and sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of 
Yugoslavia and other countries of the region and the demilitarisation of 
the UCK.
* Comprehensive approach to the economic development and stabilisation of 
the crisis region."
- - - - -
"Here are 10 reasons why this declaration can be seen as another peace plan 
1. The ministers call this a "crisis" and not a "conflict" or a "war." That 
indicates that their purpose is to create a face-saving formula for the 
crisis created by NATO's Balkan bombing blunder. People in 
Yugoslavia (FRY), the Kosovars in particular and the surrounding countries 
see it as a conflict that exploded in war and aggression. The principles 
grasp none of the deep roots of the conflict itself and focus on none of 
the needs of the peoples living in the region.
2. They avoid reference to NATO's bombing and under what conditions it 
would stop.
3. The ministers begin with withdrawal of FRY forces (which, all or some, 
from where to where?) and ends with a general reference to (later) 
demilitarisation of the UCK under the point "political process." This 
continues the lack of balance - introduced last year by ambassador 
Holbrooke - in dealing with two fighting parties/forces in a civil war.
4. It does not state whether all or some FRY forces shall be withdrawn. It 
mentions 'demilitarization' of UCK, but can there be an Army without 
weapons? If so, is this an endorsement of the KLA-dominated 'government' 
recently formed outside the constitution and political framework of Kosova?
5. The ministers avoid defining the international "presences;" but the 
wording 'international civil and security' does represent an important 
move away from "NATO alone" over "NATO lead" and "international security 
force with a NATO core." Good that the UN is, finally, to play a role, but 
will it be as leader or as a hostage holding the rubber stamp?
6. Reference to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of FRY is not 
enough. The declaration does not mention that FRY shall be consulted about 
its own future. The UN Security Council shall decide about an interim 
administration and the interim political framework shall take full account 
of the Rambouillet accords. But they violated the integrity and sovereignty 
of FRY and were no 'accords.'
7. The ministers seem to believe that it is an 'interim administration for 
Kosovo' rather than a socio-psychological, people-based peace-building 
process which will bring peace to the region. This continues the disastrous 
top-down 'engineering' or 'managerial' approach to conflict where a shift 
to consultation, trust-building, and regeneration of civil society is much 
8. The declaration is most interesting for what it does not say a word 
about, namely: a) local and regional trust- and confidence-building, b) 
consulting with FRY and KLA/UCK and Dr. Rugova, c) negotiations between the 
conflict's core parties, and d) a Balkan regional approach and process.
9. The ministers avoid mentioning any regret or apology to the peoples of 
Yugoslavia for the civilian deaths and damage caused - and thus fails 
pitifully to open the door to reconciliation between NATO countries and the 
10 million citizens of FRY. Lacking both in self-criticism and empathy, the 
G8 believes that NATO countries can get away with first failing in 
violence-prevention, then in impartial mediation and now in aggression and 
then become a trusted, legitimate peacemaker!
10. With so many crucial issues left out and so much vagueness, FRY is 
likely to ask for clarifications or say no - and then NATO can legitimate 
continued bombing of those who say no to 'peace principles.' 
This document fails to open a single door to genuine conflict-solution. It 
addresses neither the original roots causes of the Albanian-Serb conflict, 
nor the much worse regional and world crisis created by NATO's disastrous 
The obscurities, the omissions, the shortness, the contradictions and the 
absence of any expression of empathy with human suffering indicate the deep 
divisions among the drafters. Russia is 'on board' this - if they are - 
only because the West is more important to it than Kosovo. I would be 
surprised if Yugoslavia perceives it as anything but window-dressing. It is 
tragic that the most powerful leaders have learnt no lessons about 
conflict-resolution. To paraphrase Einstein, with NATO's bombings since 
March 24, everything has changed except the most powerful leaders' way of 
thinking about conflict and 'peace' and thus we drift towards more 
catastrophes," predicts Jan Oberg.

© TFF 1999
You are welcome to reprint, copy, archive, quote or re-post this item, but 
please retain the source.

Dr. Jan Oberg 
Director, head of the TFF Conflict-Mitigation team 
to the Balkans and Georgia
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research 
Vegagatan 25, S - 224 57 Lund, Sweden 
Phone +46-46-145909 (0900-1100) 
Fax +46-46-144512 

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