-----Original Message-----
From: Robert MacDiarmid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 1:13 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:8179] Request for clarification - Ruling class economic

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could spend a few paragraphs to get
me on the way to understanding what the current ruling class economic
ideology is these days. I would hazard that Monetarism &  supply side
variants are relatively discredited, while on the other hand, one sees 'The
Return of Keynes' in the press every now & then (but is this anything more
than Japan's desperation and the idle hope of a few collaborationist labour
leaders).  Is there a governing theory or just micro-economics and finance


First, when you say "discredited", you have to indicate by whom and among
whom. For example, the current ruling class ideology of neo-liberal
globalism is basically supply-side/trickle down a bit warmed over and jazzed
up--only a bit. The basic thesis is the same: wealth job, income creators
(the rich) must be free to do their thing and the less constraints on them,
the greater the use of nominally "free" markets, the greater the
spread/trickle-down and ultimate equalization effects--nationally and

It would be a mistake to assume a totally homogeneous set of core
"principles" beyond capitalism is the most efficient freedom-promoting
system whose existence and expanded reproduction is to be assumed as given
along with its concomitant power structures, class relations, core
institutions (also dynamic), myths, traditions etc. There are variants of
Homo Economicus central and necessary to the ideological and social capital
structures of capitalism (greed, competition, egoism, individualism,
materialism, acquisitiveness, "rationality" are good, natural, eternal,
liberating, progressive etc). Racism, Sexism, Ageism etc are seen as
anecdotal issues not flowing from or affecting the core logic, imperatives
and dynamics of capitalism. The answer to any presumed "market failures" of
capitalism is more and "freer" markets and more capitalism and any market
failures are short-term bottlenecks and forms of friction that will be
eliminated by the inner self-correcting equalizing balancing and
equilibrating forces of markets. The US is the most efficient, decent,
moral, progressive, wealthy, freedom-loving, dynamic, nation/system on earth
and the answer to any problems of other countries is to become like the US
on terms dictated by the US through systems/structures like/favorable to and
for the US. Government intervention (except to socialize costs/risks for
increasingly concentrated/centralized profits and capital accumulation) is
the cause not the answer to any market failures. Naked despotism, the iron
fist underneath the velvet glove, can and must be used but used sparingly
and under cover of manipulated transcendent causes and "manufactured
consent" and "necessary illusions."

Just for openers.

Jim C

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