For those who are interested in  analyses of  the political economy  of
China, here are two bang-up articles from  the Hong  Kong Marxist Raymond
WK Lau.  Any discussions of  China that  don't make mention of this  guy
are, in my book, missing the boat.  

  Lau, Raymond W. K.
TITLE(s):        Left and Right in China's economic reform in the 1900s
                   the facade of the `third thought liberation'.

           In:   The pacific review.
                 1999 v 12 n 1
         Page:   79
     SICI Code:  0951-2748(1999)12:1L.79:LRCE;1-

Call No:  DS501  .P346
Holdings: V.1:NO.1 (1988)-

 Lau, Raymond W.K.
TITLE(s):        The 15th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party:
                   in China's Privatization.
Summary:         It has generally been perceived that China's public
                   has achieved outstanding growth without privatization.
                   article analyzes how and why despite the above,
                   privatization has come on the agenda since 1993 and
                   a milestone at the Party's 15th Congress of September

           In:   Capital & class :  journal of the conference of
                 Sumr 1999 n 68
         Page:   51
     SICI Code:  0309-8168(199923)68L.51:1CCC;1-

Call No:  HB97.5 .C317

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