To Tony and Arthur:

Let the Sea Racists also sue me for my article in "Dark Night Field Notes"
No. 14 "Chronicles of Ecoimperialism: Real Whales, Real People". Let them
try to show that we knowingly, with intent and malice, causing tangible
damages, told/wrote untruths we knew to be untrue and/or told/wrote untruths
with wreckless disregard for facts (that could easily be established as
facts and could easily reveal any untruths). The Discovery process alone
will be out of sight guaranteed.

BTW, at the Canadian/US border at Blaine the Sea Racists are out with some
very ugly racist signs and literature in my opinion and in the opinion of
several people with whom I spoke (right near the "Peace" Arch) and it would
be great to see counter-literature/demonstrations although they weren't
making many contacts as their representatives are self-impeaching.

Jim Craven

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Tracy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 11:44 AM
Subject: on the Sea Shepherd & the Makah -- and threats to native
sovereigntists (fwd)

Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:29:08 -0700
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:29:08 -0700
From: arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Another Open Letter to Sea Shepherd (on legal action threaten)

  Please post widely
Sea Shepherd Threatens Legal Action

AN OPEN LETTER TO SEA SHEPHERD (both in the U.S. and Europe)
  From Arthur J. Miller, NWLPSN/AREAN

  Sea Shepherd and it's supporting organizations continue to threaten
legal action as a means to suppress those that stand against their
racists actions. To that I say, talk is cheap! I have read the threats by
Sea Shepherd and it's supporting organizations for over a year now. The
threats of legal action, the threat to have me "taken care of", that I "will
be dealt with" and the anomymous phone calls threatening my life. All of
that has only caused me to increase my work. Upon receiving the
newest threat I sent out the Declaration Against Racism to over a
hundred new people.

  I will not only never me intimidated by Sea Shepherd and their
supporting organizations, but also I issue the following challenge to Sea
Shepherd and their supporting organizations. Go ahead and take me to
court over the Declaration Against Racism and other statements that I
have issued! As far as that goes, you Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd and
it's supporting organzations will lose much credibility by issuing legal
threats and never following through with them. People will begin to
wonder what it is that you are hiding? I will even give you some evidence
for your case. Yes, I have issued statements on the issue of racism and
Sea Shepherd for over a year now. Yes, I posted the Declaration Against
Racism all over the internet internationally. And after the SISIS member
who was working on the declaration was involved in a car accident they
turned over to me the job of distributing the declaration and I became the
contact address for it. So sue me if you dare!


  1. Sea Shepherd, and it's supporting organizations, knowingly joined
forces with the long standing, very active and well funded far rightwing
racist anti-tribal campaign here in the state of Washington. One of the
main spokespersons and activists for that campaign is Jack Metcalf.
Sea Shepherd and it's supporting organizations has used Metcalf as a
speaker at their events and press conferences.  Metcalf has a well
documented history of racism, anti-environmentalism, anti-tribalism and
strong connections to extreme rightwing organizations. This Sea
Shepherd knows for when I first got into this I sent them information on
Metcalf, thinking that they may not have known who they were joining
with. They not only did not seek to deny any of the information I gave
them, but they praised Metcalf for joining with them and stated that they
would continue to work with him.

  The reason that Metcalf was willing to join with Sea Shepherd against
the Makahs was that he saw in the issue of the whale hunt an
opportunity to further his cause of the elimination of all treaties between
the U.S. Government and the First Nations. In Metcalf's cause he has
been working in the interest of corporations and white property owners
who would profit greatly with the demise of the First Nations.

  2. Sea Shepherd and it's supporting organizations sought to arouse a
racist backlash against Native people in this state. They did this by
manipulating the issue of the whale hunt into an issue of Native vs Non-
Native. Watson stated that "if the Makahs take a whale, then all Indian
people will suffer". Sea Shepherd even stated to the Makahs that they
would be responsible for the negative affect the whale hunt would have
on Native People.

  3. After the racist backlash got going and all through it to this day, Sea
Shepherd and it's supporting organizations have issued no statements,
held no press conferences or has done nothing to try to stop it. The only
thing Watson has done was to try to deny that there has been a racist
backlash. You need not take my word for the reality of the racist
backlash for the media out here was full of it and they did report on the
death threats, bomb threats and many other aspects of it. Watson do
you wish to sue the media in the state of Washington also?

  4. In joining with Metcalf and trying to make all Native People suffer for
something one First Nation decided to do, you Paul Watson, Sea
Shepherd and it's supporting organizations have committed an out and
out act of racism. In your statements on those in Norway, Japan and
Iceland who want to whale, I never read where you said that all the
people of these Nations would be held responsible. Nor did you attack
the treaties between those Nations and the U.S. Government. The
following taken from a Sea Shepherd statement shows the amount of
racism you are threatening the First Nations with:

  "We agree that it is unfortunate that the Makah's action have brought
about great anger, and have given racists ammunition to use against
them. The Makah Tribal Council may well have brought their people to
ruin and a state of permanent ostracism. The public anger and
resentment generated by their act may now compel Congress to
reexamine the legal standing of all First Nations."

  The legal standing means the treaties between the U.S. Government
and the First Nations. Did Sea Shepherd ever issue such a statement
against Norway, Japan or Iceland?

  5. Sea Shepherd has harassed the Makah People, tried to disrupt their
traditional ceremonies and sought to intimidate those who have spoken
out against their actions.

  I do not speak for the Makah People, they speak for themselves. Nor
do I in anyway wish to interfere with the decisions or process of them
who are a sovereign Nation. I do recognize the fact that for over 500
years outsiders have tryed to force upon the First Nations their ways,
stole their land and murdered many of their people. I view the actions of
Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd and their supporting organizations as a
continuation of that process.

  Though it is very true that not all people who are against whaling have
conducted themselves in a racist manner, but Paul Watson, Sea
Shepherd and it's support organizations have. I stand by that statement
and if Sea Shepherd wishes to take actions against me for it, then go
right ahead and do it.

  It is my view that racism is an evil disease that if left to spread can
infest our communities to the point where intolerance becomes an
accepted behavior pattern. I saw this happening here in the Pacific
Northwest, and as I have done many times in my years as an activist I
took an active stand against it. Though Sea Shepherd may want to
target me and a few others for their attempt at intimidation, they are
making a mistake. For we are just a few among many people who
have and will continue to stand against their racist actions. The
Declaration Against Racism and the many people who have signed it
clearly shows that we do not stand alone. This is the reason why Sea
Shepherd fears the declaration, seeks to discredit and suppress it.

                                                   In Honoring Mother Earth
                                                       Arthur J. Miller
                                                       Tacoma, WA
                                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To supporters of the Declaration Against Racism

  Sea Shepherd continues to send out messages trying to discredit the
declaration and try to intimidate those working to get it out with the
threat of legal action. It would be useful if all that can to send your own
messages to them. Maybe some would like to ask Sea Shepherd to
include them amoung those that they threaten legal action against. Sea
Shepherd mush come to learn that they cannot suppress those that
speakout against their actions. So please send messages to the
following addresses:

Shepherd in Europe) and [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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