Thanks to Louis and Max.

One of our former Chiefs, a Siksika Chief, was invited to speak to a group
in Canada. He was really taken with them as they appeared to "really listen"
as opposed to the Tories, Liberals and NDP. He later found out that they
were Reform Party, which is the most anti-Indian and anti-Treaty of the
lot. He suffered some real setbacks as a result of that presentation and not
knowing to whom he was speaking.

Jim C

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Proyect [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 11:40 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:9659] Re: FW: reprint of Kennedy essay

Jim Craven:
>Anyone know about the content and perspectives of this magazine:

I just checked their webpage and it looks like a terrific publication, with
anti-KLA articles, a defense of the KPFA protests, etc. It is a 'zine that
is distributed free to customers of a "peoples" ISP called
They characterize the magazine as a West Coast version of the Nation.

Louis Proyect


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