Jim, Judging from the magazine's website, they're lefty and write
critically of Clinton, the Kosovo war, US poverty policy, etc.   Gil
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Editor, Albion Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 4:35 PM
>Subject: reprint of Kennedy essay
>One of our readers forwarded to us your essay, "JFK Jr and the Hubris of
>the Rich," which apparently appeared on a mailing list. Although it's quite
>unusual for us to solicit material like this, we'd like to reprint it in
>the Albion Monitor as a letter to the editor. While junior will likely be
>eulogized to the heavens this week, your essay gives a perspective that
>most won't see.
>Please let us know by Tuesday noon (Pacific time) whether we can reprint it
>in this manner.
>Jeff Elliott
> "Empty wagons make the most noise."  -- Farmer's Almanac, 1881
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Jeff Elliott       Editor, Albion Monitor
> (707) 823-0100 v                http://www.monitor.net/monitor
>Anyone know about the content and perspectives of this magazine?
>Jim C

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