.. . .
sov-er-eign (sov'rin, sov'uhr in, suv'-)  n. 
                  1.  a monarch or other supreme ruler.
                  2.  a person who has sovereign power or 
                  3.  a body of persons or a state having 
                       sovereign authority.
                  4.  a gold coin of the United Kingdom, equal 
                       to one pound sterling: went out of 
                       circulation after 1914.
             [1250-1300; ME soverain < OF < VL * superanus = L 
             super- SUPER - + -anus - AN 1]

Tom Walker


Potentially misleading.  My Webster's says "supreme power esp.
over a body politic," which means the topographical location
is the correct latitude, but the wrong longitude.  In the
sense of regnant, or exercising rule, as it were.


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