>>> Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/10/99 05:21PM >>>
who is going to do the burying? the US government? is there any reason for
the Left to trust that institution? or is it the left that will do the
burying? with what shovel? 


Charles: By this approach, we would not have had the Civil War or the Civil Rights 
Movement, in which the U.S. government buried slavery and then Jim Crow. Or we would 
not have had the U.S. governement fighting the acutal Nazis in Germany. 

For that matter, you are trusting the U.S. government to protect the Left's First 
Amendment rights. Why do you trust the U.S. government to do that , when it has such a 
treacherous history of protecting the KKK and busting the Communists ? You seem to 
trust the U.S. Supreme Court to be logically consistent: if Nazis have free speech, 
Communists must have it too. But that hasn't been the history of the U.S. Supreme 


>>We shouldn't side with government repression of the Nazis (for being
Nazis, as opposed to for blowing up buildings and/or killing people and the
like) since the same laws that repress the Nazis will be applied to what's
left of the left as soon as it starts growing again. The last thing we need
to do is to strengthen the repressive apparatus of the state. <<

>I happen to have a paper on this. In fact and at law, the First Amendment
in U.S. history has protected KKK and Nazis and has very rarely protected
the Left. The first Supreme Court case (Schenck) on the First Amendment was
not until WWI when, in the famous opinion in which Justice Holmes says the
First Amendment does not protect crying "fire" falsely in crowded theatre,
Holmes decided that the First Amendment did not protect the Socialist
Charles Schenck from handing out leaflets opposing WWI as a capitalist war
in which workers were doing all of the dying. Schenck, Eugene V. Debs and
others went to prison unprotected by the First Amendment. Then came the
Palmer Raids in the early twenties against the Communist Party, and a
Communist Party member was jailed in _Whitney_ despite Justice Brandeis'
opinon which was a paen to free speech. Great words. Bad results. Then in
the late 40's the whole leadership of the Communist Party was not protected
by the First Amendment against Smith Act convictions. Even when the
Communists were released from jail the rationale was not such as to strike
down the Smith Act as unconstitutional.<

JIm D.
Once again, this tells us not to trust "our" government. I didn't say that
the government would hold back from repressing the left until they were
given more repressive power. Rather, I said that allowing them to ban Nazi
speech would encourage them to do the same to us (even more than they
already have done). But we should protest any cases where the government
lets the Nazis or Klan off the hook, especially when that same hook is used
to impale Leftists. It's useful to point to contradictions between
different government actions or between government rhetoric and actions.


Charles: I don't think demanding banning Nazi speech will encourage them to do the 
same to us such as to tip some balance that by which they were protecting the left 
some now.  The two are independent, and factually and historically they have been 


>No fascistic racists have been convicted or unprotected by the First
Amendment that I have found.<

weren't Nazi sympathisers jailed during WW2, simply for being Nazis? 

Charles: Maybe. If they were spying. I don't know of any purely ideological jailings.


Aren't you advocating that they should be convicted by law or unprotected
by the First? 


Charles: Yes, I am saying make an exception to First Amendment protection. The 
ant-fascistic racist law would be a non-constitutional criminal statute.

France, Germany and Canada have these laws. Speech denying the Holocaust is a crime in 
France.  So this type of law is not incompatible with a
Western "democratic" system.  The socialist countries had them. 


Why do you trust the government to hold back from repressing
the Left (more than it's done already) if given the ability to do it to the
loony Right? after all, some Trotskyists were jailed during WW2 (under the
Smith Act, I believe) as part of the war effort. 


Charles: I don't trust the government to hold back from repressing the Left, given the 
history I describe above. I just don't think that the Government's holding back from 
repressing the fascists is what is holding it back from repressing the Left. They 
aren't linked.

Why do you trust the government to hold back from repressing the Left because it is 
"holding back" from repressing the Right ? Or why do you trust the government to hold 
back from repressing the Left PERIOD ? Seems to me you are trusting the government 
too, that somehow it will honor the First Amendment with respect to the Left. Isn't 
that trusting the government ?


My point is that the left has not been protected by the First Amendment,
so the typical scenario that the Left will not be protected if the Right is
not protected is poor reasoning. In the history above, the Fascists were
protected throughout, but it did not result in the Left being protected.
So, the current period of grace for the Left is not dependent upon the
Fascists' protection.<

Jim D.
I didn't say it was. I think our "period of grace" is due to the fact that
the Left is no threat to the established order. 


Charles: Probably that's a factor. But when we become a threat to the established 
order, our only protection will be highly conscious masses of people. Very militant 
anti-fascistic racist activities and propaganda helps to build that mass 
consciousness. We must use the fascistic racists public presence to polemicize the 


>>The only way to oppose Nazi demos is with counter-demos. <<

> This seems to contradict your first statement above.<

No it doesn't. I was talking about the impossibility of having a
counter-demo against people who hide away in labs in Idaho (or wherever)
cooking up explosives or drive around in cars taking pot-shots at people of
ethnic groups they hate. 


Charles: Yes, I misread your statement. Sorry. Counterdemonstrations is a necessary 
position , and you hold it, I see. Max's post seemed to imply treating small groups of 
fascistic racists as unimportant, ignoring them.

Charles Brown

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