On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Louis Proyect wrote:

> Michael:
> >Louis, I don't always agree with our friend from JHU, but I think that
> >you are going a bit over the top on this.  If you look at the corporate
> >connections of my employers, you would not find a pretty picture.  Maybe
> >Columbia is more pure.
> >
> >Even Ricardo is talking nice now about Jim B.  So let's try to keep this
> >as convivial as possible.


I gotta disagree with this thread. This is just like the kind of garbage
that the Orangeist epigones of Teresa Ebert et al were throwing at Doug
Henwood and Ellen Wood a while back...Verso Press is less than perfect,
therefore Henwood and Wood are next to evil...or a little worse.  This
kind of stuff is the stuff of sectarianism, which you were only accusing,
with no apparent justification, Aijaz Ahmad of just a few days ago. 

I could see myself having to work for employers that are less than perfect
politically, to put it mildly. If I had your specialized computer skills,
I could see not having to do so, *possibly*. 

One of the best labor organizers and left activists in Taiwan I knew was a
bureaucrat for the KMT government. If I nitpicked in a holier than thou
fashion, I'd never have gotten to know him or hear the version of the
Taiwan miracle from a Taiwanese labor activist who wasn't committed to
either Chinese or Taiwanese nationalism, but was interested in organizing
Taiwan's workers and developing their class consciousness...


> I won't say another word about this, but I was shocked personally to
> discover that Wojtek was a paid researcher for an outfit that is basically
> has the same relation to big Capital as the liberal missionary groups
> depicted in "Thy Will be Done". In the 1930s, the Rockefeller Foundation
> deployed liberal Christian missionary groups in Latin America to placate
> the masses. In exchange for vaccinations, literacy programs and free
> breakfasts, the poor people of Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador lost
> control of their petroleum. These back-stabbing NGO's that the Johns
> Hopkins IPS are paid to research and promote have the same exact social and
> economic function in backward countries today. I'd personally rather eat
> dog shit than write policy papers for this outfit the way that Wojtek does,
> but that's my final word on the subject.
> Louis Proyect
> (http://www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html)

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