pen-l and lbo-talk folks,
      Once again I am finding myself swamped with
work.  I shall not bore you with the details, but the 
hard fact is that I must deal with it by removing myself
for awhile from these lists again.  This is not a protest
against either any thread, person, listowner, or anything
else.  I think that despite the usual occasional outbreaks
of testiness and name calling both of these lists have been
pretty lively and reasonably interesting and informative.
Keep up the good work, both of the listowners.  But, I've
got to get all this crap off my desk!
       So, behave yourselves, everybody.  I shall return!!!!!!
(EEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!!!!!).......      :-).
Barkley Rosser
Professor of Economics
MSC 0204
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807 USA
tel: 001-540-568-3212
fax: 001-540-568-3010

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