>The NY [Times] lead emphasizes the enthusiastically received [US 
>Republican Party] convention speech last night of Gen. Colin Powell ... 
>Everybody notes that when George W. Bush was piped in to the proceedings 
>via satellite, he hinted that Powell would be serving in his Cabinet. The 
>NYT says the upshot of Powell's remarks taken together with those of 
>Bush's wife, Laura--about education and her husband's values--was that the 
>rightful place of women, independents and Democrats is in the Republican 
>party. The story goes on to contrast the party's drive to put blacks 
>prominently on stage as speakers and entertainers with the estimated 4 
>percent of convention delegates who identify themselves as black.

Ever since the Clarence Thomas affair, it's been clear that in practice, 
the GOPsters are as enthusiastic about affirmative action as the Democrats.

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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