Bravo.  That is the way to teach!

Peter Dorman wrote:

> Just to show how antidiluvian I am, when I last taught macro in the early 90s I
> used pass-through analysis.  I reasoned out with the students the factors that
> would increase the ability of firms to pass costs through to prices and workers
> to pass prices through to wages.  Then the ceteris paribus relationship between
> real aggregate demand (in the Keynesian sense) and the rate of inflation
> follows.  By the way, I would let students guide me in their analysis each time
> I did this, and the exact list of factors would change slightly from class to
> class (although it always included unemployment and capacity utilization).  I
> never worried about it.  The goal, after all, is to help students acquire the
> ability to reason their way through macro after they've forgotten everything
> they tried to memorize for their exams.
> Peter

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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