En relación a [PEN-L:1430] Re: Re: Australia, 
el 7 Sep 00, a las 20:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:

> I have followed this thread with some interest in part because I teach
> Canadian Economic History,  in part because I have done some
> comparative work comparing Australia and Canada (shameless promotion,
> I published an artical in Australia's J of IR some few years ago as a
> result of comparative research when I was there on sabbatical).  But,
> in any case, there has been quite a renewal of interest in comparing
> Canada and Australia in recent years on everything from the treatment
> of aboriginals and aboriginal treaties, labour history, economic
> development and staple/dependency relations.
> There was also a few years ago some literature comparing 
> Argentina with Canada and, I think, Australia.  I read it too long ago
> to remember the details but there is a comparative literature in
> economics on this topic.

There has even been a joint symposium a couple of decades ago in 
Buenos Aires on the comparison between Australia and Argentina, the 
proceedings of which are out of stock but I can manage to obtain. It 
was very instructive, indeed.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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