En relación a [PEN-L:1553] Re: Re: Re: Canada, Australia, Argen, 
el 9 Sep 00, a las 12:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:

> It is for this reason or in this context that I say the Canadian
> economy is dependent.  And I agree that this is a very different form
> of dependency that Frank argues for Latin and South America which is,
> following Baran, based on an alliance between imperial capital and a
> local landed ('feudal") and military elite who retain control over the
> domestic political spoils and block the emergence of a truly
> national-bourgeois political state.

Within some weeks, I intend to post on this list a criticism of 
Frank's ideas that, if I am not wrong, will make the oceans swell and 
mountains tremble.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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