They are difficult, although there is some nice stuff in them. Hard as it is, there is 
some pretty language in the cahpter on commodity fetishism. The standard English 
translations are not great--Moore 7 Aveling is very Victorian and not all that 
accurate, and the new MECW slightly cleaned up version is not a great improvement; the 
Penguin is more accurate but misses the literary qualities. --jks

In a message dated Mon, 11 Sep 2000  1:37:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Brad DeLong 

<< >At 01:54 PM 09/09/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>>Marx is a medium rank master of the German
>>language, not as great as Heine or Lessing, but in the neighborhood of
>>Nietzsche. The canard that he is turgid and unreadable is just that, a duck.
>Marx's reputations as a turgid writer seems to arise from...

The first few chapters of _Capital_. They *are* turgid and nearly 
unreadable, in the standard English translations at least...

Brad DeLong

P.S.: Dierdre McCloskey was claiming this morning that Marx had never 
visited either a farm or a factory. Does anyone know of documented 


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