In a message dated 9/13/00 4:27:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Well this might be nice if nations intervened in other countries when bad
 >things are done and were able to stop the bad things happenings.
 When socialist nations did intervene, imperialist nations did not 
 appreciate such interventions at all.  Many intellectuals -- 
 including many leftists -- in the West condemned the Soviet 
 intervention in Afghanistan, though the Soviets were backing the side 
 of modernizers -- whatever faults you may find in them -- against the 
 forces of feudal reaction supported by the CIA.  It is not just 
 military interventions by socialist nations that courted the wrath of 
 imperialists.  The presence of Cuban engineers & construction workers 
 in Grenada was used as an excuse for the U.S. invasion of Grenada. 
 The list is endless.

Yoshie's point is that what you count as "bad thing" depends on where you 
stand. Imperialist nations will (and do) intervene when things like popular 
resistance threaten their domination, because that's what they see as bad. 

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