This is quite interesting. However, I thought that the autonomous status of
Kosovo was revoked because Kosovo refused to accept the structural
adjustment provisions attached to an IMF loan. By revoking autonomy Kosovo
was forced to accept the conditions. Those conditions also prohibited some
of the subsidies from FRY that Kosovo had enjoyed, one of the reasons that
Kosovo did not wish to accept the provisions. Some allege that Milosevic
appropriated part of the IMF loan for himself.

   Cheers, Ken Hanly

----- Original Message -----

>The Forgotten Background of the Serb/Albanian Conflict

By Jim Naureckas

rivalries of Albanians and Serbs." In Kaufman's account, "the
conflict was relatively dormant until Mr. Milosevic stirred up
hostilities in 1989 by revoking the autonomous status that Kosovo had
enjoyed in Serbia."...

But the decision to end Kosovo's autonomous status did not come out
of nowhere, or out of a simple Serbian desire to oppress Albanians.
To get a more complicated picture of the situation in Kosovo in the
'80s, Kaufman would only have had to look up his own paper's coverage
from the era.

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