I don't think Dean is reaching for respectability,
though he gets it anyway.

He uses n-c theory to point out the implications
of what goes on in a language that his audience
accepts.  It's worked pretty well.  Our job is
get our conclusions into the press, and by
extension, the public debate.  Not to proselytize
for non-standard theory.  That's the job of
youse guys.  And you'd better get cracking.

If you want to take up the substance with him,
I can relay it for you.  But I think if you want
to pursue it he would like you to read the
piece in its entirety.


Thanks for posting it.  I admire and respect Dean, but, based on a quick
reading of the summary, I worry that he has bent his argument too much
in the direction of "standard economic theory" in order to gain
respectability.  In particular, I very much disagree with:

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