Other factors in Florida are that Cubans are
now outnumbered among Hispanics by more
recent immigrants from Central and South
America, as well as a weakening of the
knee jerk right wing impulse among second
and third generation Cuban immigrants,
although the real biggie will be the high turnout
by seniors worried about social security.
      Actually, I think the people who will get
screwed by the Bush s-s plan will be those
in their 40s.  Current oldsters will not have
their bennies cut, and those sufficiently young
will get their private accounts and avoid paying
high s-s taxes.  The middle group got to enter
the job market after the Greenspan commission
big tax increase (to pay for the COLAed bennies
of the "greatest generation" who got to pay low
s-s taxes for the non-COLAed recipients), but
who will face higher retirement ages and other
bennie cuts that will be used to pay for the new
Barkley Rosser
-----Original Message-----
From: martin schiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, November 05, 2000 12:56 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:3996] Re: voting for Nader

>Austin, Andrew said on 11/5/00 9:36 A
>>In what way is abortion a "proven issue"?
>The GOP have historically used the issue to draw the christian alliances 
>into their camp by suggesting that they are the party of pro-life. If the 
>issue becomes a states rights issue the christian alliances would not be 
>available for support for national tickets. Unless another "tool" is 
>found to rally that support.
>In a similar vein the florida race going to Gore is a result of the 
>traditionally cuban exile voter support being lost by a combination of 
>the "elian" decisions and the decisions to open some trade with cuba. 

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