At 10:46 AM 12/6/00 -0500, you wrote:
>notice, david shemano (the conservative who was brave enough to comment in
>this nest of thieves) that the leftie cut you down quickly by not even
>deigning to remember your name.  that's par social etiquette for lefties,
>but please don't be piqued by their insolence.  just remember that they've
>been rolled so often and so long that their natural instinct is to shoot
>first and ask questions later.  conservatives, having had the upper hand for
>1000 years, can afford to magnanimously turn the other cheek.

norm, it's important to note that Rob apologized for losing his name.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rob Schaap [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 10:53 AM
>Subject: [PEN-L:5665] Re: RE: RE: Re: GOP vs Dem Behavior (e.g., voting)
>Dear conservative lurker (apologies for losing your name),
> >Since you asked, I am a conservative who lurks on this list, . . .
>Lurk not, brave sir!  Tell us why the economy's healthy.  Or why it's not.
>Or what, in the heady dynamics around and within us, represents the status
>quo to which you are committed enough to call yourself a conservative.  I'm
>not being rhetorical (though I admit years on mailing lists has a way of
>making one's every word look it), I wanna know!
>I have it in me, too, y'see.  Hate it when they move the furniture, reckon
>popular music just doesn't cut it these days, and am sure the only thing
>that has actually got better in the last thirty years is the consistency of
>Continental CuppaSoup ... also wary of Utopians, think Ed Burke had some
>good points, and share Oakeshott's fear of narrow rationalism.
>But I just don't see where the likes of Sowell, Rand or The Shrub offer
>succuour.  Noblesse oblige is not even a myth any more, and neoliberalism
>seems a most radical programme to me (yeah, it may have been warming us
>towards boiling point for decades now, like that frog in the saucepan, but
>what dramatic changes the last three deades have wrought, eh?)


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