>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/05/00 02:11PM >>>
MK: I disagree. I think most folks take the outrages of the GOP for
They are shameless in their shamefulness. 

Michael K.     

Yes, they are.  But it doesn't seem to hurt them.
Can you imagine the Democrats successfully doing
to Bush what was done to Clinton?  For example,
a la Whitewater:

Having a leftist civil servant accuse Bush of crimes while
governor of Texas.

Having the Democrats successfully make this a federal issue.

Having the Democrats in Congress get a Democratic law firm to
investigate, which clears Bush of any criminal involvement (a la

Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro).  

Continuing the investigation regardless, getting a Democrat 
appointed by the GOP AG as a special prosecutor.

When the special prosecutor clears Bush, successfully getting
him replaced with another Democrat, and proceeding with the investigation.

Keeping the investigation going for six more years.  

I can't.

A year ago, I believed the story that the GOP's whacko behavior
was leading to their political destruction.  Now, I don't  believe
that that's so (or at least, that it will do so before they do
far more damage).


CB: Both Dems and Repubs are parties of big business, but Repubs are the favored of 
the two. Overall, the Repubs have more power than the Dems. Look how Wallstreet keeps 
signalling for Bush. 

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