One of the biggest ideological advantages the  US capitalist rulers had 
over Japanese capitalists  was that the Japanese bosses made no bones about

their class  aims . They   even openly  named their military " Japanese
Imperial Navy"
and " Japanese Imperial Army" whereas the US was far cleverer in hiding
true imperialist aims behind military-political   banners of ' Arsenals of
democracy' and "freedom", etc. -( freedom  mainly  for capitalist
profitmaking  of course!), but this works much better to  politically
stupify and dupe the gullible ,  but politically  underdeveloped/confused 
sectors , the majority on the home front...

Later, The US really smartened up during the cold-war when they changed the
name of the War Department
 to the Department of Defense! 

Such is one reason why our clever  rulers  much prefer the Democratic State
mystifications , political forms,
and will only  flip their political state over toward fascism in huge
emergencies, i.e. revolutionary situations developing  , etc.


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