Hi Hot and Cold Economists,
Hello Yoshie,
Yoshie's response concerning anime Porn reflects some of what I am
pointing at.
When _modelling_ for porn is purified of human labor, as in the case
of Anime Porn, gender inequality seems to become more pronounced.
Compare porn with human actors with Anime Porn without human actors;
in the latter you see a much more radically sexist representation
with the implied gaze of the straight male.
I earlier used video games as a step in the direction I think lifting of the
labor of human models into brain work computing implies. Anime is not
interactive in the sense that video games are. That lack of interactiveness
is a measure of the unreality of the product. Anime or anything viewed
passively is not of great practical value in doing brain work in the
everyday real world. It is not exploring the conversational properties of
brain work.
The question from my perspective is not about gender inequality content in
anime, but is the interface content about real human beings and what sex
does to connect real human beings in a real social network? For various
reasons in some market niches they will frame the work in such and such ways
because that is what sells etc., but the central core of connectedness work,
of which sex work is an aspect, is the conversational (language like)
interchange between people. Talking to each other and fucking and smiling,
and hugging and various person to person work creates the social networks in
which brain work can go on in human social networks.
Your example is just a focus upon a commodity without some sense of the work
process that goes into producing images and what that work purpose is and
especially could be. What is ultimately the direction of doing brainwork (I
am using the word, work deliberately)? That is why your words feel like a
reification about the content upon your part. You say again in a moralistic
manner above that the sexist content increases in anime without human
actors. I can't tell what to do with increase in sexist content in anime
from your analysis. Is sexism a function of computing work, or is computing
work changeable with regard to who uses it (the workers or the capitalists)?
And what is the difference in doing the work? (of course we can't answer
everything in a few kilobytes of typing)
Fundamental to this global system is that women comprise half the work
force. Brain work that business needs done will need women to do a major
portion of that work. What is impossible to get from your commodities only
thinking is what exactly is the purpose of sex images in forming connections
amongst people (a sense of the labor process purpose). Anime that is sexist
obviously ignores what it takes to form relationships on a "normal" level
between men and women. Whether that is a straight male, gay male, lesbian
female, or straight female producing the imagery in their computer, or for
that matter consuming it, it is unclear how to understand the labor process
that might lead to liberation by focusing upon the commodities. What is the
work to be done that creates a non sexist form of sexual connection?
When male & female incomes & wealths become more equalized, perhaps
we'll see more male images selling commodities than today. So far,
gendered income & wealth inequality has become smaller but has not
been eliminated. To the extent that inequality remains, there
continue to exist gender gaps in purchasing power, which creates
sexist representation. Also, to the extent that men dominate
artistic production at the high & low end, be it painting,
photography, cinema, videography, etc, we are subjected to
representation that replicates real-world sexism.
Income levels might help to equalize people, but that runs into economism.
Liberating women is not just about earning power, it is about the core of
the work they do which is the source of their oppression. If we wait until
rich nations and poor nations reach equal footing for women to get some
semblance of a political vision of what we want to do then what is the point
of discussing porn now?
I'm sorry my brain is fried this morning. There are areas I would like to
explore with this going off what you are saying Yoshie, but I can't seem to
think right now. I need some rest.