Can't make a point without sniping, can you? As if I have not argued it ad 
nauseaum over the years, and recently, in fact, on this list, until Michael 
Perlman shut me up for taking up too much bandwidth on the subject. But do 
we really want to open this can of worms just now? Especially because we 
will see if markets vs. plans is a side issue or the main show. Frankly, the 
thought of it makes me tired just now. --jks
>I wrote:
>>>in any event, the plan vs. market distinction is a false dichotomy... the 
>>>key issue is whether the people run the economy and the state in a 
>>>democratic way or not.
>Justin writes:
>>I'll buy that. Now, if I can get you to admit that in an economy where 
>>there are markets in producer and consumer goods, the workers can run the 
>>state and the economy in a democratic way . . . .
>I'd like to see an argument for that point of view, instead of references 
>to Schweikart.
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