At 02:22 19/02/01 +1100, you wrote:
>G'day all,
>I reckon the UK has really poisoned what was left of their relationship with
>the continent (as Tony Hancock once said, 'the wogs start at Calais'), and I
>reckon Unca Sam's failure to exercise the simple good manners of telling its
>mates that it was about to crank up the intensity in the Middle East continues
>to evince what looks like a level of plumb-stoopid arrogance that's only going
>to feed anti-Washington sentiment throughout the world.

 From the Guardian (UK) today

Israel appears to be the only state that has backed the strikes. Russia and 
China have led the protests. They have been joined by France - a member of 
the Gulf war coalition that ended Iraq's 1990-91 occupation of Kuwait and 
has now fallen apart. Algeria, India, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Malaysia, Syria, 
Pakistan, Cuba and even Turkey, a staunch regional ally of the US and 
Britain in the past, have strongly criticised the strikes.

And Rudolf Scharping, Germany's defence minister is visiting Beijing today.

On a different but probably related question, even Robin Cook, UK Foreign 
Minister stated of the US plan for an Anti-Missile Defence Shield, said 
today that this should be placed in the "handle with care drawer".

Although Britain will always try to position itself between the USA and 
Europe, a further bit of news underlined the realities of this attempt to 
punch above our weight: plans for an inspection of the Royal Navy by the 
Queen for her jubilee next year, have been cancelled: Britain now has only 
6 front line naval vessels!

Chris Burford


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