Michael Perelman wrote:

>What is the best estimate of the cost of
>the S&L bailout?

I had a researcher call around DC a few years ago - CBO, OMB, OTS, 
GAO, private entities - and no one had a good estimate, which utterly 
amazed me. In the historical budget tables, "deposit insurance" comes 
in negative for almost all years before 1986 (premiums exceeded 
outlays, after all). It was positive from 1986 to 1992, for a sum 
over those years of $163.2 billion. It went negative again after 
1992. There were also asset sales which offset the earlier costs. But 
the bailout was financed with long-term bonds, so there are interest 
costs that may not appear in the deposit insurance budget line. Get 
your Congressperson to demand a good estimate from GAO.


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