> By all means, organize the left.  I just don't think that will make much
> progress organizing on an e-mail list.
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 530-898-5321

Um, Seattle.....

Seriously though, for every meeting we had there were scores of email lists
and literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of  emails/phone calls
that created a topology of goals, tactics, education etc, that gathered many
geographically separated regions of activists and "organic intellectuals"
into a swarm of anger at everything that is wrong with neoliberalism in
particular and the international institutions that serve capitalism in
general. While Seattle was by no means the first ritual of collective action
organized with the help of the internet, it remains, I think, the largest
and possibly, the most successful so far. Pray tell it won't be the last. We
should build upon that by continuing to discuss the issues that put the
desire for real change onto the public's "radar screen".

A "battle" of ideas is taking place in cyberspace and we should relish the
opportunity it brings. New alliances of economists that leverage their
knowledge and "credentials" on behalf of human needs and aspirations are
worthwhile goals. There are plenty on this list that could drive apologists
for capital at the NYT, the Financial Times etc. completely bonkers;
likewise with driving your peers at the IMF/WB etc. insane with phone calls
and emails. Will there be instant gratification? No. But abandoning hope for
change [navel gazing] is boring.


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