Barkley wrote:
>... nobody should be under any illusions whatsoever.  The Bush 
>administration is turning out to be far far worse than anybody forecast 
>and certainly far worse than a Gore administration would have been. And it 
>will negatively impact many people in the rest
>of the world, I am afraid.  Bush and his cronies have made it clear that 
>their attitudes are about the same as Jesse Helms's.  They could not give 
>a rat's ass about the rest of the world which can just go to hell.

now this is an administration that ran a conservative stealth campaign and 
won a conservative-steal election. They've got an electoral machine (of a 
different sort than that of the late Mayor Daley of Chicago, but quite 
organized) that is trying to shove through a hard-right program post-haste. 
But it smacks of _hubris_. Pride goeth before the fall.

in a separate missive, he writes:
>... Korea is another matter. They may not have reported it in Canada, and 
>most Americans are blissfully unaware of it, I am afraid, but Bush has 
>just blown off peace negotiations in the most heavily armed location on 
>the face of the earth, the Korean peninsula.
>       Frankly, the spectacle of Bush sneering at Kim Dae Jung, who spent 
> many years in prison for his advocay of democratization and human rights, 
> who walks with a major limp because of all the torture he has undergone, 
> is truly nauseating. For all his faults, Gore would not have done that. 
> This is pure warmongering and money to the military-industrial complex, 
> big time.

Agreed. The reason for this is that the Bushwackers think they can get away 
with it. How can N. Korea retaliate?


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