John Henry, in reply to Chris Burford, wrote:
>So if we do not want to import human rubbish, we export material rubbish.
>It is obscene.

Calling people "rubbish" is pretty obscene too, Chris.

I said upstream that I am for unrestricted, unilateral if need be, free 
trade. I am also, with a very few restrictions, in favor of open borders 
for people as well as goods.


In fairness to Chris, John, his remarks are made in the context of a
singularly nasty campaign against refugees and asylum seekers being
conducted in the UK at present. It is a holdover from the previous Tory
administration's xenophobia, taken to new heights of "sophistication" by the
grotesque Jack Straw and further ratcheted up by Tory leader William Hague
and his foul sidekicks as part of their effort to portray Labour-led Britain
as a "foreign land". There is no question of who is responsible for the
treatment of ordinary people as human rubbish.

Meanwhile the infamous Larry Summers World Bank memo becomes accepted
practice writ large (and one you appear to support).

Capitalism. The whole thing is obscene.

Michael K.

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