On Wed, 2 May 2001, Louis Proyect wrote:

> >Lou, I've always wondered, since you frequently refer to James Petras as
> >one of the Marxists you greatly admire, where do you stand on Petras'
> >criticisms of dependency/World Systems Theory, especially his rather
> >*explicit* agreement with Brenner's criticisms of these theoretical
> >approaches.  Brenner is taken to task by you for the similar reasons that
> >you take on Doug so frequently. Isn't this somewhat inconsistent?
> >
> >
> >Steve
> I am glad you asked that question. Basically I regard both Brenner and
> Wallerstein as dialectically opposed reactions to genuine Marxism, which

So, on this you would probably be in disagreement with Petras, who clearly
is sympathetic with Brenner's approach and indicates nowhere that what
Brenner does is not consistent with 'genuine Marxism'?


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