The World Wildlife Fund said today that in most developed countries the
tap water is as safe to drink as bottled water, although up to 1,000
times less expensive. The annual distribution of 90 billion liters of
bottled water may contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The 1.5
million tons of plastic used also may pose a threat to t


Earlier this week, during Dick Cheney's speech on the "National Energy
Policy" where the Vice-President harangued against renewable energy
sources and conservation, called for 38,000 miles of additional gas
pipelines, demanded aggressive drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge, and announced plans for between 1,300 and 1,900 new power
plants, or one a week for at least 25 years, most of them burning coal,
apparently to be paid for by crypto-corporate-socialist government
subsidies, Dick Cheney had at his podium bottled water, apparently
because he does not trust the tap water to be fre



(I observed the bottled water next to Cheney on a news program Monday.
I think it was ABC's evening news.)

The "National Energy Policy" will be formally released next month.

Andrew Hagen

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