And many people (myself included) drink bottled water
because it isn't chlorinated. Besides health concerns
with chlorine, there's a simple matter of taste. I
wonder how much chlorine is actually needed, and if it
would be necessary at all if watersheds were
protected, farmland wasn't overgrazed, and so forth. I
don't drive a car in part because I think it is the
most wasteful and polluting form of transportation
imaginable; I can make that personal statement, but
please! don't send me on a guilt trip about my bottled
water, especially when most of it is consumed when I'm
on my bicycle.
--- Andrew Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The World Wildlife Fund said today that in most
> developed countries the
> tap water is as safe to drink as bottled water,
> although up to 1,000
> times less expensive. The annual distribution of 90
> billion liters of
> bottled water may contribute to greenhouse gas
> emissions. The 1.5
> million tons of plastic used also may pose a threat
> to t
> environment.
> >
> Earlier this week, during Dick Cheney's speech on
> the "National Energy
> Policy" where the Vice-President harangued against
> renewable energy
> sources and conservation, called for 38,000 miles of
> additional gas
> pipelines, demanded aggressive drilling in the
> Arctic National Wildlife
> Refuge, and announced plans for between 1,300 and
> 1,900 new power
> plants, or one a week for at least 25 years, most of
> them burning coal,
> apparently to be paid for by
> crypto-corporate-socialist government
> subsidies, Dick Cheney had at his podium bottled
> water, apparently
> because he does not trust the tap water to be fre
> pollution.
> ml>
> (I observed the bottled water next to Cheney on a
> news program Monday.
> I think it was ABC's evening news.)
> The "National Energy Policy" will be formally
> released next month.
> Andrew Hagen
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