I'm afraid I never made the connection between Brenner and Warren. Must be
something like the connection between Zeitlin and Pinochet...or Raymond
Lau and some dogmatic trotskyist sloganeer...

The arguments that Ahmad makes about the need to take seriously the study
of specific class relations in 'post-colonial' countries that give rise to
the nature of dependent relations between rich and poor countries are
entirely consistent with Brenner's arguments to the same effect found in
his 1979 argument against Dependency Theory.

Again, if the pomos claim that Marxism is all about teleology,
economic determinism etc., you can't accept that argument. Let a
'post-colonialist' or 'world-system' theorist make the same argument and
it's A-Ok in your book...At least Ahmad is consistent, he doesn't accept
that sloppy argument from pomos or your world system theory heroes...


On Mon, 28 May 2001, Louis Proyect wrote:

> >And ain't it funny, when pomo's make the same exact kind of argument about
> >Marx and Engels you have a Dick Cheney, but when the "post-colonialists'
> >'world systems' folks make the argument that Marx was 'eurocentric,
> >teleological', etc. hey you just grab it and run with it.  Ahmad's section
> >on Marx on India I think does more than a fair job of refuting simplistic
> >accounts of Marx's views on colonialism, teloeology, etc.
> >
> >Steve
> Ahmad shows that Marx's Herald Tribune articles were based on ignorance.
> What excuse do people like Bill Warren, Colin Leys, Robert Brenner and
> Ernesto Laclau have?
> Louis Proyect
> Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

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