Lou says:

>  >What Third-World revolutions really needed from proletariat &
>>intellectuals in rich imperial nations was not so much the latter's
>>"identification" with the former as socialist revolutions in the
>>belly of the beast, which didn't happen -- hence the former's
>>collapse or retreat.  You can't eat someone's "identification" with
>>you, though you may be encouraged by it at times.
>Socialist revolutions in the belly of the beast? This is not really
>feasible at this time. What is feasible is for Marxist activists to provide
>solidarity to countries in struggle, whether Vietnam, Nicaragua or Cuba,

If that's not feasible, Third-World revolutions are practically 
doomed, though they may hobble along while trying to make 
accommodations to the world capitalist market.  Even Cubans -- the 
best case of Third-World revolutions -- are having a hard time just 
getting by, increasingly dependent upon tourism & foreign investment.


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