>24 Villagers Killed in Colombia
>BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)
>Villagers are often caught in the middle, targeted in massacres by one side
>or the other aiming to punishing them for collaborating with the enemy.

It's interesting that villagers are always caught in the middle, be 
they in Vietnam or Guatemala or Columbia or wherever, according to 
the liberal media.  I'm not saying that it never happens that some 
villagers get caught in the middle between leftist guerillas and 
rightist soldiers, paramilitaries, CIA agents, US "advisors," US 
soldiers, and so on.  It is, however, curious that villagers in the 
Third World never fail to share the favorite ideological spot -- 
middle! -- of the liberal media.  It's as if no peasant would ever 
support either the government or guerillas, as if no peasant had a 
semblance of political opinion or even political sympathy.


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