See Salon story at

I got this email from a reader today:

> Hi Tim;
> Good story in Salon today that briefly includes
> Wally [Herger, our Congressman]. Evidently the 
> Republicans introduced a bill that would spend $30
> million on 
> mailing a letter to all Americans emphasizing that
> their forthcoming 
> $300 tax rebate was signed into law by George W.
> Bush and 
> "provides long-term tax relief for all Americans who
> pay income 
> taxes ... for years to come."
> The Dems saw this as nothing more than a publicly
> funded 
> campaign letter, and wisely (though still
> wastefully) introduced an 
> amendment that would instead funnel the $30 million
> into some 
> drug-war budget. They knew Republicans would have a
> hard time 
> voting against anything that funds more cops and
> guns, and they 
> were right--the amendment initially got the support
> of Herger and 
> several other fiscal conservatives on the Republican
> side. 
> That is, until Tom "The Hammer" DeLay started
> walking the aisles 
> at the last minute, turning enough votes to get the
> letter passed. 
> The next day, Democrats announced their "Hammerees
> of the 
> Week," which included Herger.
> One Republican representative who was "hammered" by
> DeLay 
> even went so far as to say that he'd meant to vote
> against the letter 
> but "mishit the keys" when he voted.
> Here's the link:
> Charles Mohnike

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