Mark Jones wrote:
> > 
> And yes, the answer to this is revolutionary communism, and what we need for
> that is first off, for starters, to get our heads out of the sand and *look
> at* the world as it really as and not as we would wish it to be. 

I agree. I also think that your description of the present world is
probably more accurate than (say) Doug's. I also think that politically
that description is worthless -- that focusing on it will not bring us
one step closer to _doing_ anything about it. On the contrary,
emphasizing it will interfere with doing anything about it.

Even when it is obvious to everyone that you are correct, when the bulk
of the population of the "first world" is directly experiencing what you
describe, energy will _still_ not be an issue around which mass
mobilization will be possible. You have your head in the sands in
respect to social-political reality.

Disaster on the whole does not contribute to popular anti-capitalist


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