At 07:16 PM 07/07/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>GF'day Jim,
> > Who was it who asked how many divisions the Pope had, when the latter > 
> criticized him? (I wish I knew: our Internet connection is on the     > fritz.)
>Nevertheless, the Pope leads 1-0 as I write ...

Stalin ran the USSR until his death, far outliving Pope Pius the Nth, who 
(it seems) was forced to collaborate with Hitler in order to survive. (He 
had that fascist bent on his own, but he wasn't a Nazi.) Anyway, my point 
is that one has to have some sort of power in society. Good ideas aren't 
enough. Both the Pope and the Dictator of the Proletariat had a lot of 
institutional power. Thus, their ideas (mostly bad) had some impact. The 
neoliberals prospered and ruled the policy roost because their ideas went 
with the flow of powerful businesses. They're likely to be replaced by more 
moderate neoliberals, unless the balance of class power changes.


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