>Once again, I have to remark on how weird it is that a bunch of 
>friends of the working class are getting all excited about the 
>prospects for recession, which means the disemployment of millions 
>and lower wages for everyone else. Does the ghost of Andrew Mellon 
>lurk over PEN-L?

I think it wouldn't be weird to get excited about the prospects of 
recession *if* the leftists in question had (A) a *clear political 
strategy* to exploit it and (B) the *organizational wherewithal* to 
make the strategy real, not utopian.  The same should be said about 
getting all worked up about the prospects of declining oil reserves, 
progress of globalization (aka free-trade Empire), oil deals for East 
Timor, anything.  Minus A & B, getting turned on by any prospect, 
major or minor, is just an act of political voyeurism.


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