Mark Jones wrote:

>Doug Henwood:
>>  Once again, I have to remark on how weird it is that a bunch of
>>  friends of the working class are getting all excited about the
>>  prospects for recession, which means the disemployment of millions
>>  and lower wages for everyone else. Does the ghost of Andrew Mellon
>>  lurk over PEN-L?
>I hope we can raise the level of debate above this.

Actually I think it's quite relevant to the intellectual and 
political marginalization of left political economy - it has no 
analytical vocabulary for talking about "good" times, and overtly or 
covertly roots for crisis to do the hard political work of 
discrediting capitalism. It's temperamentally doomy and gloomy, and 
therefore has little emotional appeal to an audience broader than a 
hardy band of miserablists.


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