>Michael Lind (The Next American Nation) makes the point
>that patents, IP, and professional licensure (i.e.,
>tenure!) are the upper-class ("white overclass") variant
>of protectionism.
>Consistent free-traders should be willing to do away
>with those barriers to trade as well.  How do laissez
>faire econ profs justify tenure?

You do know that unlike say Krugman and deLong the economists 
Bhagwati and Srinivasan have been very vocal critics of IPR regimes 
and regional trade acts (Srinivasan was critical of Big Boy Wonder 
Summer's greater indulgence for the latter in the early 90s, I 
believe, and they had some exchange in a learned journal, no?). I 
believe that Doug was a reader for Lord Meghnad Desai's forthcoming 
Verso book on globalization I very much look forward to reading his 
analysis of contemporary capitalism. (I certainly don't want to read 
anymore of his--i believe--wrong-headed technical analysis of the 
transformation problem.)
Michael told me not to insult anyone, so I will hold back my comments 
on the neo-nativist and self-proclaimed Listian Lind, who was hidden 
in a trojan horse offered to the left by Buckley and co. But once it 
was brought within the gates, I for one was not surprised that out 
came another faux intellectual windbag like Jim Sleeper whose good 
friend he is.
Yours, Rakesh

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