Jim wrote:

is the G-S article on-line? where is your web-site?

Alex reaction:
The "Un-Godley private Sector Deficit" was the central article of the "US
Economics Analyst" , 27 July, which is produced by the 'GS Financial
Workbench' and is distributed to *subscribers*. I guess that one could ask
it directly to the chief editor:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(If  I circulated the PDF to the list I am afraid Michael would have again
problems ...)
At Levy, they have opened a separate section for the 'Strategic Analyses" ,
where the reaction to G&S paper is included:
BTW, from the recent quote that Michael has made referring to W Dudley, it
seems to me that indeed the 'official version' of  G&S is starting to lean
towards admitting that monetary relaxation (in this context, they emphasize)
is of little effect. In Newsday, July 18, pp. A49:

" "The Fed has done all the right things," said William Dudley, U.S.
domestic research chief for Goldman Sachs. "We're just not getting the bang
for the buck that we've seen in the past." "


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